...Hazel Mei Nari Rhee, a name that represents her Korean and Chinese heritage and her Mama's love of trees and the outdoors, though her family usually calls her Mei or Mei-Mei.
I'm going to do a short bio for now, but am working on writing out a more detailed one that I'll post soon. I'm also working on finding the poor girl a wardrobe of her own, since she's reduced to borrowing clothes for now. At least she has her own glasses.
Age: 9
Birthday: December, 7, 2007
Family: Mama, Mommy, Bo (2 year old brother), Mommy's parents, & her Mama's parents all live within just a couple of blocks from one another.
Location: Colorado.
Pets: 2 English Bulldogs.
Location: Colorado.
Pets: 2 English Bulldogs.
Nationality: 1/2 Korean, 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Caucasian
Favorite Animal: Panda. Mama and Nainai (grandmother on her Mama's side) adopted/sponsored a baby panda in her name after the huge earthquake that destroyed its home at the Wolong Panda Center in China in May of 2008. Mei has a stuffed panda representing her "brother" and hopes to one day travel to China to actually meet him. Her second favorite animal is the otter.
Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, though Order of the Phoenix is a very close second.
Favorite Colors: Orange and purple, followed closely by blue.
Favorite American Girl: Her Bitty Baby, Eleanor-Ri (named after her only aunt who she adores) has slept with her since she got her on her 1st birthday, but her favorite historical character is Melody, who was her first 18 inch doll that she got at her release last August.
Hogwarts House: Obviously she won't know for sure until she's 11, but she feels strongly that she'll be a Hufflepuff. She relates a lot with famous Puff, Newt Scamander, and his desire to save and preserve at risk creatures.
Random Fact: She recently cut her hair, because she thought it would make her look more "grown-up". She's not sure she likes it, but everyone else tells her how cute it is.
I'll add more as I figure it out, and I'll be sure to post a detailed bio ASAP.
~Mrs. D