
There are so many amazing resources out there for American Girl news and information! Here are a few of my favorites.

Of course, one of the most official (if not always the quickest) ways of getting information will be from the American Girl site its self. The official American Girl site is full of games, trivia, new releases and is, obviously, a great place to purchase the newest products for your American Girl! 

You can head over to the American Girl site by clicking here or by typing into your web browser.

One of the most informative sites out there has to be the American Girl Wiki! Here you can find articles about everything including Historical Dolls and their collections (both current and retired), Girls of the Year, books, movies, images, etc. Remember, as a Wiki, the articles can be edited by anybody. However, with over 3,000 articles and 4,000 files, it can also be an amazing resource for anyone looking to brush up on their American Girl knowledge. Just remember to fact check if something doesn't seem quite right. 

You can find the American Girl Wiki by clicking here or by going to

One of my favorite blogs is American Girl Outsider. She is bold, blunt, and tells it like she sees it! I agree with a ton of what she says, and even the things I have different opinions/viewpoints on I end up loving how she writes about whatever it is she's writing about that day. She does not kiss the fandom's red, rosy backside, and her opinions come with a healthy dose of sarcasm and curse words (which I love), but if you're offended by such it might not be the blog for you. I still recommend checking it out though, because sometimes you need amazing sarcasm and curse words!

You can click on the link above or go to

Lissy and Lilly is another blog, and those ladies are pretty amazing! They have a nose for all of the lastes American Girl news, and are often the first to share exciting new leaks about dolls, outfits, and releases. They also have some pretty fun little doll episodes, if that is your thing, and are chock full of photographs! Check them out!

Lissy and Lilly can be found here or at

If you have an Instagram you need to find the AGIG community! It is often the first place I see leaks, and it is certainly where I have met some of the best people.

Simply go to Instagram and look up the hashtag #agig. (Feel free to follow me if you'd like. I'm dollywollydoodleblog on there.)

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